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Check out my social links to see my stuff or whatever.


It ain't much, but an honest work.

Anyways, move on.


Heck, indeed. I am FrostyHoneyJuicy. Also known as FrostyHoneyJuice, FrostHoneyJuice, FrostHoneyJuicy, FrostyHoneyJy, FrostHoneyJy, F.H.J. and FHJ. I've got multiple variations of my nickname. That's because some websites and games have different character limits.

I do a lot of things. Either it is making maps for Source engine games (primarily for Team Fortress 2), videos for private individuals, organize and administrate events, create various digital art through programs like Adobe Photoshop, Source Filmmaker, etc. You name it. I am a pretty flexible guy who likes to learn multiple things, like creating this particular website.

Some fools might think that I used a name generator - that is false. Let's dissect every word.

• Frosty - When I was played a custom gamemode called Slender Fortress in Team Fortress 2, there was this interesting map called slender_frostrun, which was made by Glubbable. I really loved playing on it. So I took the word frost and made it sound cute by adding the y letter in the end. So, Frosty.

• Honey - Now, this one has multiple origins. I do not know which one of them is the one that made me think of it, but I will say all of them nonetheless. The first origin might be from the Yogscast channel. When Minecraft was booming, the Yogscast channel was making videos about it. One of the members was called honeydew (played by Simon). The second origin might come from my oldest childhood friend. His grandfather was a beekeeper. The third origin might be the fact that I simply love honey. And finally, the fourth, before I made my name, I used one generator that told me to use a nickname called "Honey G". Maybe that might be the reason that I picked Honey, honestly.

• Juicy - And finally, I made the word Juice. It came out randomly. It does heavily remind me of how PewDiePie made his name. Pew because that's the name of the gun sounds. Death, well, you die when you get shot, and Pie - also came out randomly. However, overtime I renamed Juice to Juicy because some bullies named me a Jew instead of Juice. So a replacement was necessary, sadly.

I come from the Baltic country called Latvia, located in Northern Europe.

I can speak Latvian, Russian, English and a little bit of Spanish. I know Russian because Latvia used to be occupied by the Soviet Union, so a lot of Russian-speaking people arrived in my country after 1940.

I know English very well, because that's an international language, so I have to know it. Not knowing it would give me a lot of disatvatanges. But I also know because I did not have any good friends in school. I even trained myself to speak like a native English speaker, so that people can understand me more clearly and treat me as a proper human-being. I even lived in the state of Tennessee and studied in high school as a freshman. I loved living in the US around 2014-2015. However, overtime my speech turned British, and some folks actually think that I am British, not American. Guess what? I used to live in the United Kingdom, too, but I hated it there. However, as of now, I don't think that the US or UK culture is better than the other one. But if you ask me, the British accent is a lot easier to use than an American, mostly because of the R sounds.

But I do sometimes have a foreign accent in English, don't get me wrong. It can appear from speaking too fast, stressing too much, etc. Thus, I may speak Swenglish. It's like speaking Swedish and English at the same time if that makes any sense. I am not sure if that comes from listening too much to PewDiePie or talking to a few Swedes back when I was a kid. Either way, since I speak Latvian and Russian clearly, some pronunciations conflict with English. That's why I try to speak like a British person without rolling R sounds. I always try my best.

Just so you know, I do not know Swedish. But I am learning Spanish because, theoretically, it's the second biggest language in the world. Every now and then, I see someone speak Spanish. That gives me an interest in their content.

That is true. Though keep in mind that I take this work seriously, so my maps' development goes relatively slow. I take quality over quantity. Nowadays, some people prefer the opposite, but hell, why should I care?

However, keep in mind that I do not want to bother myself updating this website. As of writing this now (19/12/2021), I have created five maps in total:

• koth_prettysawlit - The very first map that I have released to the public. I was still new to map-making when I made it. I did not understand how optimization worked during that time, so it's poorly optimized. I advise you not to play it. Although somebody still tried to play it with their friends - they seemed to love it. In the future, I'll probably make a successor to it.

• pass_snowylake - My second map that became quite successful. The goal of making this map was to solve the problems that all of the official PASS Time maps are dealing with. It was played by a couple of streamers and even played on PASS Time Federation competitive tournament. The tournament was also mentioned by Valve on the TeamFortress.com news page. Their news article also mentioned my map as well. I guess that will be the closest I ever get to Valve. The map took me 2 years to complete. More changes will come.

• pd_ignabyl - The map is still a work in progress. In this Player Destruction map, you're supposed to dispose of radioactive waste in metal containers. The map might play alright in some context, but it needs a massive layout rework. Some areas are currently pointless to be in, and some are chokey. Will update it more in the future.

• slender_junction - My ambitious map ever. It hits some of the important Source engine limits, such as brush limit, brush side limit, t-junction limit, and edict limit. Despite that, it has plenty of entertainment areas for the BLU players to kill their time. The RED playing area's story is taken seriously. I've been playing Slender Fortress since Alpha, and most of the current Slender Fortress maps lack entertainment areas and sometimes even seriousness to the horror theme itself. This map is the answer to it. After all these years, I am finally free from these chains - to stop thinking that I need to make a Slender Fortress map for who knows how many years. Probably whole eight years. Either way, it took me about 2.5 months to complete and 3 additional months to fix clipping. However, at the moment it cannot be played in some servers due to path-finding issues. The way Slender Fortress plugin works is annoying and tedious. I may fix the map at some point, but at the same time, I am not a fan of some community members. If I am being treated without a respect, I have no motivation to work for Slender Fortress in general.

• arena_pineway - My first arena map which got created during the 72hr Jam 2021. When I started the stream, I didn't have any drawn plan, and I was struggling. I drew the stuff during the stream, and things became a lot easier for me. Surprisingly, the map turned out to play pretty well. I made it within 16~ hours slowly. Maximum, I had about 13 viewers during the stream, which is pretty nice. Also, I am very happy that nobody complained during the playtest of this map. It's probably one of my first official maps (not counting slender_junction map), which received very positive feedback from players.

More maps to come! 😄

Ah yes, I sometimes do. Everything started with me participating in some Team Fortress 2 competitive tournaments. Long story short, I was the captain of one team called Mediocre Mercs. After multiple tournaments, we got lots of medals. But as the time moved on, we decided to move on.

Despite that, I learned a lot of things, either it be communication with certain important individuals, organizing time and hosting plenty of events. I literally once decided to make my own competitive tournament called Snowy Competitive. It was going quite well until Valve decided to cut off support to custom medals. Valve's decision made my tournament die. However, I could still host and help other tournaments that still had medals already in the game. Those were The Late Night TF2 Cup, CLTF2, and most importantly - PASS Time Federation. I still help PASS Time Federation with anything I can, like getting Staff members organized and maps ready to play.

Even with that knowledge, I was able to help some people in real life events, such as Unicon and Wintercon. All of that experience was worth it.

Rarely now. Streaming itself is pretty fun, but I am not motivated enough to continue.

On the bright side, when I streamed map-making, people loved it to the point I received a lot of raids. If I can recall correctly, I had over 50 views at some point. Those who watched me told me that I am pretty good at what I do and that I should continue.

Currently, I cannot bother myself when it comes to making my own personal videos. The reason why I made a YouTube channel is because I am good at doing video-editing. Many people have been taking my commissions. However, over time, that burnt me out to the point I didn't want to create anything for myself. I would rather continue doing commissions than anything else. Recording videos and then editing them takes a lot of effort and time. I know that it may not sound pretty to somebody, but this is the path that I decided to take, and I am completely fine with it.

However, if, at some point, I start making some videos for myself, I want to make sure they look clean and interesting to watch for different kinds of audiences. So don't worry. Someday, I will start making something in the future.

Yes. I can make actual wallpapers, profile pictures and even animated profile pictures. If necessary, I can make animations, too.

Well, you see, I am a single person, not a team. Concentrating on all of the things that I can do is impossible. Sometimes I even bother myself to work 24/7 on different kinds of projects without any sleep whatsoever.

At the same time, I am a harsh self-critique. Very harsh, to the point I say more bad things rather than good about myself. I still try to show as much awesome stuff as I can, but being alone isn't really helping, especially when I accidentally start ruining my health.

Preferably on my personal Discord server. If not, then contact me at [email protected].